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موضوع: Pictures of airlines meals

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    Pictures of airlines meals

    #1 2012/03/02, 22:45
    When in long plane flights, meals are served by airlines companies. The quality of the food in these planes is very different depending of the ticket price and the airline company we do business with
    Here are some pictures of meals in different flights. As you can see, the quality and quantity of the meal differs a lot…

    In a business class flight, at Swiss International Airlinesn.

    The Economy class at American Airlines. Very American. Sandwich, Pepsi and chips!

    In a Turkish Airlines flight...

    The economy class of Thai Airways. Nice!

    In a business class flight, at Swiss International Airlines

    Spanair, from Spain. The economy class. What's in there though?

    Meal from a Singapore Airlines flight, business class.

    Singapore Airlines again, business class again, but this time in an Airbus A380 plane!

    Meal in a plane of Turkish Airlines!

    Martin Air, the Economy class

    The Lufthansa of Germany, in a business class flight

    The economy class of KLM airlines. What is this food?

    Gulf Airlines, Business class

    A German Airlines meal

    The economy class of Emirates Airlines. Looks good!

    The first class of Etihad Airlines

    Wow! A meal served in an Emirates Airlines fight, in a suite of an A380 plane!

    Economy class of Lufthansa Airlines. Of couse, with a German sausage!

    In a Continental Airlines flight, in first class. Great meal!

    Singapore Airlines again, this time in business class.

    Air Canada! A small slice of pizza!

    The economy class of Air Berlin.
    ویرایش توسط SAMI : 2012/03/02 در ساعت 22:56
    [SIZE=2]همه قدقد می کنند، اما کیست که هنوز بخواهد خاموش در لانه بنشیند و تخم ها را بپرورد؟[/SIZE]
    SAMI آنلاین نیست.

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