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موضوع: تا حالا دیدید داخل کانال های هوا رو چطور تمیز می کنند؟

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    تا حالا دیدید داخل کانال های هوا رو چطور تمیز می کنند؟

    #1 2011/06/26, 21:04

    مشاهده لینک ها و تصاویر پس از ورود یا عضویت

    Minnesota Air Duct Cleaning Company – Serving Minneapolis St Paul

    Serving Twin Cities customers for over 17 years as a full service heating and air conditioning contractor, Twin Cities Duct Cleaning has been helping homeowners in the Minneapolis St Paul metro area create healthier, cleaner indoor air environments. Our air duct and furnace cleaning services have earned us a reputation as the BEST cleaning service provider in the Twin Cities, Minnesota.
    Air duct and furnace cleaning
    Air conditioning cleaning
    Steam carpet cleaning
    Fireplace and chimney cleaning
    Dryer vent and water heater cleaning
    Furnace and air conditioner tune-up, repair and maintenance services
    Certified member of NADCA, the National Air Duct Cleaners Association
    Serving Minneapolis, St Paul, the Twin Cities metro for over 17 years

    Air Duct, Furnace & AC Vent Cleaning Facts

    EPA claims indoor air has been found to be up to 70% more polluted than outdoor air.
    Children are more likely than adults to be affected by polluted indoor air.
    The average 6 room house collects 40 pounds of dust a year.
    Air ducts have more germs than a chicken coop.
    A build up of 0.42 inches of dirt on a heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease in efficiency of 21%.
    9 out of 10 furnace, ventilating, air conditioning systems failures are caused by dust and dirt.

    Cleaner Air Ducts for Cleaner Air

    Your air ducts can become a major source of indoor air pollution. Every time you run your heating and cooling system, airborne contaminants, including dust, pet dander, pollens and molds, are pulled into the ducts. Over time, these contaminants build up inside the ductwork, creating a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, fungi and other microbes. These contaminants can also significantly decrease the efficiency of your heating or cooling system. Air duct cleaning is a proactive solution to these problems. It can enhance the indoor air quality of your home or business, eliminate built-up dirt and contaminants, and extend the life of your heating and cooling systems.

    At Twin Cities Duct Cleaning, our expert technicians can handle all the air duct cleaning services we offer. You’ll save money with our quality services and you and your family can breathe cleaner air. Our service vans have high-powered vacuum units to remove all the dirt and dust, leaving your home clean as a whistle. We’ve an award-winning company and have a top rating from the Better Business Bureau. Twin Cities Duct Cleaning is your best choice for all air duct, furnace and AC cleaning services. Call us today to schedule a duct cleaning in your home.

    ویرایش توسط omranenergy : 2011/06/27 در ساعت 07:18
    طراحی و مشاوره، تامین تجهیزات، نظارت و اجرا، تعمیر و نگهداری، بهینه سازی انرژی، هوشمند سازی ساختمان، گرمایش و سرمایش، تهویه مطبوع، موتورخانه، ممیزی انرژیمشاهده لینک ها و تصاویر پس از ورود یا عضویت تلفن: 88340230
    omranenergy آنلاین نیست.

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