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موضوع: شرکت تهویه سام

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    شرکت تهویه سام

    #1 2012/06/17, 15:32
    In more than 12 years rapid development and experience in industrial refrigeration and commercial HVAC requirements, Tahvieh Sam is manufacturing as one main links of the country's industry.

    One company is proud for implementing the latest world technology and innovation is manufacturing industrial screw chillers.
    Tahvieh Sam, the biggest manufacture to industrial refrigeration chillers in Middle East delivers engineered, flexible solutions for industrial process chiller and commercial HVAC requirements with reliable products, knowledgeable applications expertise and Tahvieh Sam factory is located on 220000 ft2 area site in Abas Abad Industrial city near Tehran.
    The factory has the most modern facility for the manufacturing and testing of products.
    Tahvieh Sam products are easier to service than an others, because they are equipped to screw or scroll compressors, programmable PLC, HMI monitoring, brazed Plate Heat Exchanger and another best quality.

    Tahvieh Sam industrial group activities and technical services are categorized in 4 parts:

    1) Manufacturing of:
    HVAC products include of screw chillers, compact scroll chillers
    Air handling units, Packaged unit, Ducted fan coils, FRP cooling
    Towers, Air cooled condensing units

    2) Manufacturing of:
    Industrial cooling and refrigeration systems include of portable chillers, Central Package Chillers, Pump Tank Set, Industrial cooling towers, Low Temperature chillers

    3) Consultations Engineer Department:
    Providing technical consultations by technical Engineer department

    4) Spare Parts:
    Providing spare parts and related services (Techno service commercial)
    Providing Danfoss Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (Techno service commercial)

    ویرایش توسط hvac-mall : 2012/06/17 در ساعت 15:52
    hvac-mall آنلاین نیست.

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    آخرين نوشته: 2013/04/12, 08:38

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